Into surgery around lunchtime (12) yesterday and out by around 3pm, so relatively short. Quite a lot of immediate post-op pain but since this is the second time I've done this I can say it varies between surgeries. Last time all my post-op pain hit first thing Friday morning, this time it was as soon as I'd woken up in recovery. This is, of course, the best place to get post-op pain where all the doctors who recently operated on you are close at hand with anaesthetists and batteries of drugs. I was given both popliteal and femoral nerve blocks and was informed the popliteal one (immediately behind the knee) may not have worked as well as it could have done! Needless to say I was whisked away into oblivion fairly swiftly by the wonderful anaesthetist and his array of syringes and with the exceptions of a number of awakenings to check my blood pressure during the night I slept rather soundly
I call this 'Foot in Cast' - First time I could use the camera after the drugs!
This morning bought a revelation in the form of Mr Cooke who said he has taped some of my surgery for teaching purposes which was rather exciting. They have changed the manner of lateral calcaneal osteotomy entry to make the initial incision much smaller. This has resulted, for me, in considerably less post-op bleeding from the heel but it means all my pain was focused much more in the toe area. I have, of course, requested the video which I may post here if possible.
Because all my post-op pain was yesterday it meant I could get my dressings changed first thing this morning, something which didn't happen last time until the Monday morning. I am still short a camera connector but will update with pictures soon. Everything looked extremely neat and while there was a little oozing it was largely happy, I suspect I was too early to witness any significant swelling but have noticed throughout the day that my cast has got snugger and snugger so I suspect I'm quietly puffing up as we speak! Fortunately the cast system has changed considerably since I was young and we're no longer on the fibre glass plasters but rather a nice flexible resin-type affair with removable straps across the front so I can open it up and have a good calf scratch should I wish to. It also saves time when it comes to the stitch removal because I can just pop it on and off for the local nurse.
So at 1.5 days post surgery I ache a lot below the right ankle but on a scale of 1-10, where recovery yesterday was most definitely a 10, I would say we're only on about a 6...which, with the PCA pump, is completely manageable so I will now try and get some kip in before someone desperately tries to take my blood pressure again!
Car crash with just the plaster off...
Slightly better with all the bloody dressings off...
Considerably better after a good clean!
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