Thursday, 4 August 2011

Here we go...

Morning all.  So today is the first day of my blog letting you in to all the ins and outs of having surgery to correct some of the foot problems caused by CMT.  I will attach some pictures of my foot as is as soon as I find the connector to my camera so you can see the before, during and after picture of what goes on.

Today I'm in for a whole load of tendon and heel shifting.  If you're interested, and don't mind fairly gruesome surgery pictures, checkout and search for 1) Jones Procedure; 2) Tendon Transfer for Foot Drop and 3) Calcaneal Osteotomy - The Lateral Approach.  Having had a chat with the surgeons this morning the latter procedure has been recently modified so they can now do the whole thing through a really small incision which will be exciting.

So all I have to do now is sit around and wait for the next few hours until I get called up at which point I will add the updates that I suspect you're all here for...pain and pictures!

Just so we're up to date before we start though, here is what my foot currently looks like: