Wednesday, 11 January 2012

5 Months P.O. New Year New You blah blah blah...some notes on exercise

Its home truths time people. I am a person prone to expand. In order not to expand I must not overindulge in the chocolate department and do some regular exercise. A downside of this surgery is that not only can you not really exercise to your full capacity but that when you are in hospital/recovering people bring you chocolate. Not a great combo on the expansion front.

As of the beginning of the week I resolved to return to my pre-op weight (approximately a stone less than my current weight) so have set myself a somewhat rigorous exercise regime that started tonight with an hours worth of aerobics. As much as she may rub many people up the wrong way with her persistent perkiness I am a big fan of the Davina workout DVDs, I can embarrass myself in front of the TV with nobody watching and, possibly more importantly, all the exercises are explained so you don't do yourself (further) injury. There is also, handily, a low impact version of all the cardiac work. 

Being somewhat of a wimp, this being my first set of aerobics after this op, I voted to go with the low impact most of the way through. I finally plucked up the courage to do some higher impact at the end and can report no major problems. Ever so slight ache in both heels at the osteotomy site as well as a general loss of 'spring' when having to do things like bounce from one foot to the other but I expect these will recover in time.

Still stuck in the trainers for the time being but pin removal time I hope is imminent. I'll keep you updated...