This is a slightly delayed post, I managed to get back into work Monday. I am lucky with my job in that while it does involve quite a lot of carrying things full of liquid between rooms I can swap this for desk type work at my will, its all very flexible. Also, should I wish to carry things around I have an array of lovely people who are willing to help out, even if only to get me to stop whining!
Things that should be noted should you wish to return to work at this point:
- By around 3 in the afternoon your foot will be really quite sore in a persistent-achy kind of way. The best way to cure or prevent this is to lie on the floor with your foot on the desk. I've found the higher the better! Fortunately, again, I have very understanding colleagues who don't find it peculiar when they enter the office and find me lying on the floor with my legs in the air!
- Sleep will not have happened very easily over the past week and a bit. The main problem is the midnight stretch. When you're unencumbered by a large plaster and a variety of pins, if you wake up at around midnight and have a bit of a stretch you pretty much instantly drop back off to sleep. As it is, the pins and the fact you can't stretch one of your feet tends to wake you up and then you remember you've got a cast that rubs the back of your knee and that's you done for for about an hour!
- Bearing in mind point number two, try to be patient at all times. VERY small things will start to irritate you because you haven't slept a full night in about two weeks. These include, but are not limited to, the fact that crutches, no matter HOW carefully you prop them up, were not designed to be balanced on the edges of tables/worksurfaces and will slowly slide sideways, occasionally hitting you on the way down. It doesn't matter how much forward planning you try to do, sometimes you're just too close/too far away from the door you want to close/open and you'll have to hop around on the spot trying to manipulate your crutches and possibly falling over. Sometimes you wander somewhere to fetch something and remember that what you actually wanted, you can't carry, even with your chin/two finger/pockets and that you'll have to return, find a bag and THEN go back and get it.
Remember, it is not for long and try to stay calm. At least that's what I'm telling myself!
Despite my 'weight bearing as tolerated' rule, something, somewhere in my head says that I should not be trying to weight bear until my stitches are out. This may be complete rubbish but since I spent the first 5 days P.O. in hospital and the next 5 days basically napping and working from home and stitches come out 14 days P.O. its not much beef on my part to have to hop around work/home for 4 days at the end.
Stitches out soon so I shall update with pics!